Published On: March 31st, 2015
2.1 min read

Homemade almond, Brasil nut and cashew nut butter

Okay. So last week I whizzed up my first ever homemade nut butter and it is possibly the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. How has it taken me so long to get on board this trend?

The stars of this show are almonds, Brazil nuts and cashews, hence we shall call it ABC nut butter. With a touch of salt and olive oil, the result is so good it should be criminal.

Making your own nut butter means skipping the sugar and preservatives often added to many store-bought varieties. Plus, it’s surprisingly easy – though you will need a food processor to blend all the nuts together.

To maximise the nutritional benefits, you can activate the nuts by first soaking and dehydrating them. It’s requires a little extra effort but the nuts become far easier to digest and your body can more easily soak up all their wholesome goodness. Check out this step-by-step guide on how to do it.


1 cup almonds
1 cup Brazil nuts
1 cup cashews
Pinch of salt
Glug of olive oil


Preheat oven to 150 degrees Celcius, pop the nuts (pre-activated, if you’ve decided to go the soaking and dehydrating route) on a tray and bake for 20 minutes, giving them a shake in the middle. But keep an eye on them — nuts burn quickly! You want them to be just slightly golden brown.

Allow to cool for about five minutes then throw them into a high-speed food processor while still warm, as they’ll process much more quickly and easily.

Add the salt and oil and begin to mix. You’ll need to stop regularly to scrape the sides down, especially in the beginning as the nuts are just starting to blend together. You can add more olive oil to further soften the mixture but don’t add too much or the final product will be too oily. Blending the nuts can take anywhere from four to 10 minutes, depending on your food processor’s power.

Once the nuts have formed a buttery mixture, spoon into an airtight jar. This will keep for several months in the fridge (if you can resist gobbling it all down in a matter of days, which I definitely cannot).

Serve slathered over bread, toast and rice crackers or just eat heaped teaspoons straight from the jar!

Easy vegan ABC nut butter

ABC nut butter made with almonds, Brasil nuts and cashews

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  1. Just a Mum April 2, 2015 at 6:59 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for this recipe – we are all about LOW GI now and this is something I have wanted to try! Stopping by from Fabulous Foodie Friday :-) Anna @

    • Koren April 2, 2015 at 10:26 pm - Reply

      Well lookee at that, I didn’t even twig that it was low GI, too. Rad! Thanks, Anna. :)

  2. Peachy Keen Mumma - Jess April 2, 2015 at 7:02 pm - Reply

    I was just speaking with a friend about activating nuts. I just made my first almond milk two weeks ago and this week I discovered muffins to make from left over almond pulp. So I’m on a roll. Next step – my own butter. Thanks ladies!

    • Koren April 2, 2015 at 10:28 pm - Reply

      Please tell me you have that (entirely delicious sounding) muffin recipe up on your blog, Jess … ?

      • Peachy Keen Mumma - Jess April 3, 2015 at 5:39 pm - Reply

        Only in draft. I could email you a copy

        • Koren April 9, 2015 at 10:35 pm - Reply

          That would be completely and utterly ace! Or pass us the link here once you’ve hit publish. :) xx

  3. Dannielle @ Zamamabakes April 2, 2015 at 8:20 pm - Reply

    Great recipe ladies.
    I’m don’t like peanuts or peanut butter but I’m thinking I would love this ABC butter of yours, not a peanut in sight, my kind of nut butter, love it!
    So lovely having you link up with us over at Fabulous Foodie Fridays!
    Have a great weekend x

  4. Koren April 2, 2015 at 10:29 pm - Reply

    Whaaaa? You don’t like peanut butter?? Inexplicable! Haha. But yep, no sign of any pesky peanuts in this one you could be on to a winner, Dannielle. :)

  5. […] a big fan of making my own peanut butter, and this ABC Nut Butter from She Makes Magic sounds incredible. It’s made from almonds, brazil nuts and […]

  6. Peachy Keen Mumma - Jess April 10, 2015 at 8:44 am - Reply

    Koren, I posted the recipe on my blog this week. Easy!

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